Edit Fish

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Bass - LargemouthBass - LargemouthGood fighter, lot's of fun to catch them using top water lures. Throw a Jitter Bug in the lily pads and have fun. The one in the image looks a bit grumpy.
Bass - SmallmouthBass - SmallmouthFerocious fighter, lots of fun to catch. Can be eaten, if you don't have any other food available.
BullheadBullheadGood eating. An uncle used to take us down to the Ford Dam in St. Paul and catch these, great memories. Not a favorite fish to take off the hook. Ouch! dammit he poked me.
Catfish - ChannelCatfish - ChannelCats can put on quite a battle on the end of your line. Good eating, cook them a bit longer than other fish. Meow.
Crappie - BlackCrappieFun to fish for, and great eating. The big slabs take some serious angling skills to locate and catch.
Crappie - WhiteCrappie - WhiteWhite crappies are more prevalent in southern states, have caught some monster sized whites in the St. Croix River around Afton in the spring.
Dogfish (Bowfin)DogfishProbably good eating, but never tried. Notorious fighters, have witnessed several break-offs while using light line for panfish. Prehistoric looking fish for sure. And yes, they do bark.
EelpoutEelpoutSupposedly they are good eating, but the one time I tried to cook them, I must have used the wrong recipe. Typically only caught during the winter, and mostly at night.
MuskyMuskyThese things get huge! Be prepared before you land one of these. A 50 inch musky with a Rapala full of treble hooks in its mouth flopping around the bottom of your boat can cause quite a ruckus. CPR only please.
Northern PikeNorthern Pike, or just northern from Minnesota. Very slimy fish, can get annoying when a lake is filled with small northerns. They have serrated triangular teeth that can cut 1/2 inch thick steel cables and get off with your best lure. Good eating if you know how to remove the Y-bones.
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